Bottle necks are incredibly frustrating, they hamper progress because the research can go only as fast as the slowest component. If the slowest component has intermittent bugs then that pace is a frustrating crawl. At long last the bottle neck on this research is software no one involved on the project wrote! That shouldn't be cause for celebration, but as childish as it sounds, it's nice for once to not have the blame be on the research team.
There's even a name for the type of bug causing our bottle neck:
Heisenbug - A bug that disappears or alters its behavior when one attempts to probe or isolate it ... the use of a debugger sometimes alters a program's operating environment significantly enough that buggy code ... behaves quite differently.
Turn the debugger on, the problem vanishes. Turn the debugger off, problems resurface but we can't recreate the error with the debugger back on. This is incredibly frustrating to realize, try to debug and work around.
Sadly it is our data collection software, Wattsup, that is the one dealing with said Heisenbug. The research uses Wattsup to take a reading of the power (in watts) at a set time interval during the length of the benchmark run. The logs show a normal run. The error logs only have one error that appears randomly during the course of a run. But look inside the .ac file (where a timestamp and a measure of watts at that time are expected) and lo, three to four minutes before the end of the run the data cuts off.

Organization and version control are crucial! Actually executing organization and version control however involves hoping between multiple languages. Unix, perl, python, and some regular expressions made life easy while the brain began to feel the differences in syntax. Hopefully from this point onward (once Wattsup is "debugged" for good) the project can get some solid data from lolcat. Then onwards to find fresh headaches analyzing our model against actual data from rickroll and lolcat.
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