Sunday, March 27, 2011

Half empty, or half full?

As we near the half way point of the semester, with the Tapia conference and spring break both right around the corner, it certainly is warranting of another moment to reflect on everything that we have done. This is especially true and fitting being that we are waiting on our GPU programs to become agreeable and new data sets to become available to analyze.

As I mentioned in my previous post we have achieved the milestone we essentially have been aiming for since the beginning of this research - Model the CPU, AC power, and Disk usage of a computer. In doing so, we have paved way for the preparation of (attempting) modeling the GPU as well, on some recognizable, not so horrific data set. With exactly 2 months until commencement, the time is ticking on producing said models. But, we are confident that we will do so by then.

To expand upon that, our goal right now is to have these readily available by the beginning of spring break (April 18th), in order to be able to improve upon these models when we return the following week. Theoretically, if we are able to do so, we will have surpassed the previous gains from last year's SSU CREU research. Eventually, we will hopefully discover better ways to model GPU power consumption and make, if even slightly, a little more sense of a relatively unexplored topic. For now, unfortunately, we are at the mercy of NVIDIA's GPU programs and CUDA not quite agreeing the way NVIDIA would with more established OS's.

To be continued.... !

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